<span class="vcard">Tinkles</span>

Cyber Funday

13 pax showed up ready to get the Christmas season started off in style and I did not want to fail to present at least one two-for-one deal.  We welcomed back Landing Strip from his trans-Asian vacation and look forward to some MMA style workouts soon.  Whoop also posted a …

Yoga-free Friday

I had the pax settled in for a light stretching warm up and was about to roll out the Yoga mats when Rudy arrived on the scene. To not further the Uptown image as a pax of lightweights I audibled. Thang: Progressive burpees around the jogging track: burpee plus one …

Tinkles Twofer

After the sub-Q on Monday I was back to my regularly scheduled birdcage Q today.  Word must have gotten out about the fun that was missed or perhaps some were thinking one post under my Q was enough for one week, but the result was 9 fresh faces today to …

Chili’s on The Westbank

You would figure that a pax named 86 would know when to send a dish back to the kitchen but alas a weekend trip to Chili’s on the Westbank had the scheduled Q on the crapper and not in the gloom.  Of all the great things the Westbank is known …


I’m glad I was Q today because I would have almost certainly fartsacked this morning and would have been none better for it.  In a age ignoring move I packed a parent’s group kickball tourney (lost in the finals) and a Jason Isbell concert all into my Sunday which had …

North Audubon Mosey

Thankful for a break in the rain and wanting the PAX to remember my VQ I figured we would mix up the standard Wolfpack routine with some more time in the park.  What seemed like a great idea in the waning light the night before became a little dicey as …