Battle of the Bulge – from Hokie
Battle of the Bulge – from Hokie

Battle of the Bulge – from Hokie

The Q was caught up reading The MiniVan Centurion and had to come rolling in hot but made it with 2 minutes to spare…. Reminder, the Q’s should be present at least 10 minutes before workouts to ensure guests are greeted.

We started with a mosey to the Mardi Gras Fountain where we did warmup.

The Warm Up

SSH x 15
Hillbillies x 15
Abe Vigoda x 15
Grass Grabbers x 15
Mosey to the top of the levee for an explanation of Battle of the Bulge
Dec 16, 1944 – Jan 25, 1945

12 (for December) Hokies (Lay on your back with heels and backs of hands on ground like a giant X. Lift torso and bring in legs to a cannon ball position. Then back to X and repeat)

Quadrophelia (aka Bernie Sanders) up the levee and at top of levee do

16 Hand release merkins

Bear crawl down levee toward street and do

44 Squats and plank for the six (12.16.44)

We took a brief moment to reflect on the start of the Battle of the Bulge was December 16, 1944.

We then discussed the Battle’s end date of January 25, 1945 so we could then do

1 (for January) Burpee

Quadrophelia (aka Bernie Sanders) up the levee and at top of levee do

25 Shoulder taps (2 is one) then

Bear crawl down levee towards lake and

45 Jump Squats and plank for the six.

We took a brief moment to reflect on the start of the Battle of the Bulge ended January 25, 1945. So during the Battle of the Bulge there was no break so we did everything again without a stop after the 44 squats. 12.16.44 – 1.25.45 then plank for the six.

Now that we all have the exercises down for the Battle of the Bulge, we discussed each time up and over the levee AND back again is one round and switching to talking about our beloved Saints, a round would be comparable to a quarter and since there are four quarters in a game, we will rinse and repeat 4 more times! (12.16.44 – 1.25.45 ) x4.

Let the Football portion of the Battle of the Bulge begin so (12.16.44 – 1.25.45 ).

At the end of the 1st quarter, our Q (the coach), eliminated bear crawls and modified the game plan to running down the levee.

So the 2nd Quarter we ran instead of bear crawl (12.16.44 – 1.25.45 )

Looking at his watch, the coach (aka the Q) made a half time adjustment for the 3rd quarter and switched all six exercises to 10 instead of 12.16.44 – 1.25.45 so 10 Hokies, quadrophellia, 10 hand release merkins, run down, 10 squats, 10 burpees, quadrophellia, 10 shoulder taps, run down and 10 jump squats….

End of the 3rd quarter and looking at his watch the Q decided to run the 2 minute drill for the 4th quarter

2 Hokies, quadrophellia, 2 hand release merkins, run down, 2 squats, 2 burpees, quadrophellia, 2 shoulder taps, run down and 2 jump squats….

Timing was perfect for a mosey back to the flag where High Rise helped us recover and educated us on injury prevention with some mobility.

Thank you for the privilege and honor to Q