Blackjack at Grandmas House???
Blackjack at Grandmas House???

Blackjack at Grandmas House???

PAX:Pelican, Shooter (QIC), Steve, “The MANNY”

Four PAX gathered at Grandmas House with the air  heavy, as if we were meeting in a smoke filled poker room at the casino. The QIC had thoughts all night of repeating a previous Super 21 beatdown delivered a few months back, but he decided we would just implement 21 troughout the beatdown instead. Having lost my father Saturday, I felt it appropriate to remember him with one of his favorite past times of playing Blackjack.. Big appreciation out to my fellow F3 brothers, who I can’t thank enough for their compassion and support in this time..


21 SSH IC, 3 (8 count body builders), 21 WM IC, 6 (8 CBB), 21 IW IC, 9 (8 CBB), 21 BK IC 3 (8 CBB)

the thang

Moseyed to the tunnel for some Dora. Partnered up 50 Burpees, 100 Merkins, 150 Squats, 200 lunges. As one partner started the series the other moseyed down through the tunnel and up and back. Upon returning picking up the count of his partner to completion. Once complete the PAX moseyed back to the AO for some core work. One PAX held plank while the other journeyed up the steps to the top completing 21 LBCs, next 21 MC and finally finishing with 21 Peter Parker’s.

Count off, announcements, COT

Much appreciation to the Pelican for leading us out in prayer. Reminding us to truly remember what this season is all about..

Always appreciate the chatter and fellowship with you men in the Gloom. Definitely sets the tone of my day and inspires me to be a reflection of what we at F3 strive to live for “Faith, Fitness, Fellowship”

Thank you brothers for the opportunity to lead..