Burpees n Basketball: F3ull Court Press
Burpees n Basketball: F3ull Court Press

Burpees n Basketball: F3ull Court Press

QIC:Speedy Gonzalez (VQ)
PAX:Band Camp, Barely Legal, Bird, Bushwackser, Butt Splice, Chewy, HanDcock, The Hammer, Jose 10K, Garfild (coffeteria), Goose, Mick, Russo, Shooter, Speedy Gonzalez (QIC), Tanked Up!

Pre-thang was interrupted so that YHC and Jose could retrieve a tool to adjust the basketball goals at the Marsh. Said errand was then interrupted by a damn deer to the side of the truck. Shooter’s been desperatly hunting for a buck all season long, and Bushwcker hits one without even trying!


The PAX got down to business with SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Hill Billies, Arm Circles, and Burpees (Speedy’s new favorite exercise).


Mosey west, with a stop or two for OYO 15 Burpees, 15 Big Boy Sit Ups, and 15 Squats. Upon arriving at the Marsh, PAX divided into 3 teams for 1 on 1 full-court basketball, while the “non-participating” team did a continuous stream of 30 Squats, 20 Big Boy Sit Ups, and 10 Burpees. The original plan of 1st team to 10 points wins, was truncated to 1st to 5 points…and eventually teams switch on each point (White men can’t shoot). With rotating uniforms of shirts vs skins, the pace was frenetic and frenzied.

Highlights of the ballers’ delight included competent offensive skills of Shooter, Hammer, and Bird, YHC’s aggressive strategy checked by a jewel shot from Moby Dick, and much fewer Burpees than Speedy may have hoped for. Overall, fun was had by all, as well as a different cardio work out than the usual Lakefront beat down supplies.

The mosey back to the flag turned into a race between teams, with some trying harder than others. As would be expected, Tank poured it on with gusto and grit, with QIC (Speedy) pushing right next to him. Upon arrival, assorted planks were done as Splice ran back to pick up the 6.


Count/name/announce – Shooter prayed us out with accompaniment by The Scorpions courtesy of a passing motorist.

Congratulations and a job well done to Speedy on his successful VQ! It was a pleasure and a terror all wrapped into one, and we look forward to more of the same from him going forward.