Exceeding Expectations at the Knoll
Exceeding Expectations at the Knoll

Exceeding Expectations at the Knoll

PAX:Worms, Side Effects, Banker, Doghouse, Snackpack, Money Cat, Twinkle Toes, Nature Boy, Duracell, Big Easy along with FNGs Holliday and Oscar

Highland Road Park. Hot & Humid

Looking at the F3 Nation list of exercises Friday night, Bear Mountain Merkins and Burpee Mile looked like good ideas. The next morning, in the heat and humidity, with the steep hills and many stickers of the Knoll, the degree of difficulty exceeded expectations and “good” may not apply.

Introductions and Disclaimer

Warm O Rama

20 Abe Vigodas, 20 Hairy Rockets, 20 SSH

The Thang

Bad Idea #1: Bear Mountain Merkins – Partnered up, one man runs down the hill, performs 5 merkins and Bear Crawls back up whilst partner does Mountain Climber Merkins (or squats if merkin quota has been exceeded) 10 reps seemed like a good idea but 5 reps turned out to be a better idea.

Bad Idea #2: Burpee Mile – With total disregard for Pax’s aversion to running any significant distance, on 1/4 mile flat open course either side of creek, start with 5 burpees, run the 1/4, do 5 burpees, cross creek for 5 more burpees and run back to start for 5 more burpees. Rinse and Repeat once more for one mile and 35 burpees


With YHC recovering from bad idea #2, SideFX took over for side planks – done for an eternity on left arm , then right. Excessive reps of heel touches crunched up on six and, finally Freddie Mercury’s until we cried.


Name O Rama with initiation of FNGs Oscar and Holiday. Benediction and intentions then Pax sat for portrait painted by Money Cat