Form and Function
Form and Function

Form and Function

PAX:Yankee, YSR, 86, Douille, Gabrielle, Chiquita, OBT, Nip Tuck, King Kong, Roots, Peaches, Tinkles

The rain was just getting going as the PAX gathered at the AO. OBT (an F3 founder from Charlotte) posted, and conducted the second day of his unofficial audit of the Uptown PAX.  Yankee is coordinating the NOLA F3 Uptown management response.

Standard disclaimer. Mosey along the path to the “volleyball” field and circle up. A quick PSA from YHC regarding a tough critique from YHC’s M at the F3 Christmas party (shout out to the attending M. and 2.0s – Spicebar, Candybar, Cashbar and Minibar). Spicebar, a bootcamper, yogini, and barre practitioner did not have good things to say about YHC’s and the PAX’s form during the 12 days of Christmas beat down.

So today, as YHC is not a professional trainer, we call upon exemplary PAX to demonstrate the proper form of several of our core exercises. Yankee leads with a beautiful plank.

Then its down to business, but keeping form in mind. 5 burpees OYO , SSH x20 IC, Peter Parkers x20 IC, 5 burpees OYO, Sealjacks x15 IC, ParkerPeters x15 IC, 5 burpees OYO, Smurfjacks x15 IC, Mountain Climbers x15 IC, 5 burpees OYO, plankjacks x15IC

Next we moseyed across Magazine to the long green wall. A film crew was working on the other side in the zoo, but we didn’t make it into the movie.

OBT, participant observer, was called on to provide a primer on the Merkin form, including demos of what NOT to do. Thanks to OBT for being a sport.

PAX grabbed some wall. Starting with regular merkins 0 degrees , 10 IC.  Then 45 deg derkins,  10 OYO. Finishing with BTTW (hold for 30 seconds).  Just for the record, YHC shared that another colleague, female, does the full Skywalker – without the wall.  She also teaches yoga to Navy Seals, so we have work to do.

Mosey through the rain to grass parking lot for the Zoo, to use the four corners of the squarish field for some OYO BLIMPS.  Before we start, however, Gabrielle demonstrated the proper form for two key exercises in the BLIMP – Squats and Lunges.  Low and slow, baby.

5 Burpees. Run to next corner.
10 Lunges each leg. Run to next corner.
15 Imperial Walkers. Run to next corner.
20 Merkins. Run to next corner.
25 Plank Jacks. Run to next corner.
30 Squats. Run to next corner.

And five more burpees OYO.

Then we moseyed to the zoo entrance drive and sprinted to Audubon statue for some modified Dora. PAX partnered up, but before we started, Douille provided a classic example of the proper Russian Twist form (AKA American Hammer, AKA Russian Piss, AKA the Mueller).

5 burpees OYO. PAX then alternated running around the neutral ground and completed:

50 Merkins
100 russian twists
200 dips

Mosey back toward the flag.  5 burp OYO.  Return to the flag and find a nice dry spot for 5 more burpees OYO.

Count, name-o-rama, announcements and intentions. Prayer.

Thanks to OBT and all the PAX for participating in the form review.