If It Ain’t Broke…
If It Ain’t Broke…

If It Ain’t Broke…

YHC arrived on scene to the double flags under the street lamp like a sign reading “Get ready to work!” Better yet, under the flags stood the recently returned Waterpik! We spent a few minutes catching up, very intentionally waiting with eager anticipation for the eventual arrival of Cowbell;) ….And no one else!

Fair enough – QIC intended the same plan the same as the aforementioned late arrival anyway. After a warm up with 5 sets of x5 Burpees OYO interspersed, the crew took off. As interspersing goes, we figured to get 90 more Burpees in throughout the run, and 5 back at the flag.

x25 Flutter kicks, Freddy Mercs, and 100 100s later, we circled up, and Waterpik prayed us out.

Humble thanks for running with the Wacker