It takes 2 to Shangeaux
It takes 2 to Shangeaux

It takes 2 to Shangeaux

AO: The knoll

Date: 5/14

Pax: 2 (MegaDad and Shangeaux)

The Thang:

We started with a 10mile Mosey to the coliseum. Shangeaux wasn’t tired so we did bear crawls up and down every bleacher in the stadium. Next we did 10 upside down climbs up the rock climbing wall.

150 Decline merkins

450 front straddle jumps (think SSH on steroids)

150 Incline Merkins with skateboarders standing on our backs.

35 min of Mary. We just held 6” off the ground while letting kids jump on our abs.


Honestly, gents, it was a blur. We did a good bit of mosey at jog pace. Stopped a few times for Merkins, side straddle hop, lunges up and down the steps for a while, more mosey and then some time on the bars. Side arm pull ups x25, lay back pull ups x10, incline Merlin’s x10, step ups x20.

Mosey to bench for al gore, leg throw abs and some other fun stuff.  Next a long mosey trying to stay in the shade.  Made for a zig zag run, but fun.  Next some lunges and something else (provable tough)

Final push was 80% run across 1/2 park to bench, 1 burpee and 10 count rest the full sprint to the flag. We had lots of interested eyes watching me and Shangeaux sprint all out. Must have looked like the last 50 yards of the Shaw shank redemption escape. FREEDOM!

I will say, we did some serious man bonding while still whipping ourselves into shape. Shangeaux deserves double respect for committing 100% (there’s no such thing as more) the whole time. He didn’t slack off at all and he was humoring me with all sorts of conversation.  All the while, he was wearing a long sleeve sweatshirt.  Maybe reminisce of wrestling days?  He must have lost 5 pounds.

At the end we relaxed on the splash pad to make Worms jealous. Moneycat didn’t show up with Shark suits so we pretended to be beached whales.

Truly ended with the line of trust (2 can’t make a circle) and a good prayer.  After all, when 2 are gathered in his name, Jesus is there.  I felt his presence.  Thanks Alex!