Lions, Tigers, and Bear Crawls Oh My!  – from Baywatch
Lions, Tigers, and Bear Crawls Oh My! – from Baywatch

Lions, Tigers, and Bear Crawls Oh My! – from Baywatch

Five PAX joined yours truly to do a pre-calorie burn before everyone else was awake on Thanksgiving morning. In honor of Turkey Day, wild animal exercises were the theme of the day. After a brief intro and disclaimer, we moseyed around the fountain and down to the waterfront.

Warm up:

1. SHH 20x (IC)
2. Inchworms 15x (out/in)
3. Monkey Merkins 10x (IC)
4. Crab toe touches 10x ( IC)

The Thang:

After a short mosey to the first blue light pole, we started with Bearcrawls to Heaven. This consisted of bearcrawling to seven light poles. At each pole you do ascending burpees (1 burpee at pole 1; 2 burpees at pole 2; etc.). After each PAX reached heaven, the reward was turning around and doing Crabwalks to Hell. This consisted of crabwalking back to each pole and doing descending 8-count body builders (7 at pole 1; 6 at pole 2; etc.). Unfortunately, after a pole or two of crabwalks, we realized the Q had been a little over-zealous so we modified it to walking lunges instead of crabwalks. No worries though, pain was still felt by all.

Next up, we headed over to the House of Pain and split up into 4 groups. The timer group did Bernie Sanders up the levy with 5 leap frogs at the top and ran back down. Group 2 did crouching tigers otherwise known as beast twist. Group 3 did monkey humpers. And, group 4 did pull ups. After two rounds, we headed back to the flag.

After count off and Name-O-Rama, everyone gave thanks for at least one thing and we ended with a sweaty ball of man—all better than when we arrived and ready for a day of family and food.