return of the Ei
return of the Ei

return of the Ei

PAX:Coconuts, EiEi, chewy

3 faithful pax posted in the gloom this morning.

Eiei came out from hiding toting a few extra lbs but  willing and ready for a challenge!

The thang:

warm up in parking lot:

hip crossovers x 10

fwd lunge w forearm to floor x8

back lunge with twist x 8

lateral lunge x 8

hand walk x 4

sumo squat to stand x 8

mosey to the lake front with intermittent sprints

and mt climbers in rough gravel x20 ic


irkins IC x 20

leg extensions x 50

dirkins x10

mosey back with sprints interspersed.

trailhead COM: LBCs, deadbugs, HTH, JF, glute bridges with reach x 20 ic

cot, prayer, peace out.

thanks guys for showing up and working hard!
