Santa Claus is Coming to Town – so give it your best
Santa Claus is Coming to Town – so give it your best

Santa Claus is Coming to Town – so give it your best

PAX:Turbo Tax, Butt Splice, Bushwhacker, AWOL, Carpool, The Manny, Cookies, Eiei, Shooter, Mash, Garfield, Water pik, Steve

14 pax posted for our lightly-themed, give-it-your-best beatdown on this cold morning.

We kicked off with 10 burpees… and then 9 burpees… and then we changed gears for a traditional warmup.

20 side straddle hops IC

20 (or so) imperial walkers IC

15 forward arm circles then reverse and repeat IC

back to burpees for  a set of 8 and then 7,  From this point forward any time we heard “sudden change” we stopped where we were and did 10 burpees.

Mosey eastward along the lake front to a section of trees in a row.  I heard recently about a new challenge going around. Not sure that it will get as big as the ice bucket challenge did, but figured we should practice just in case.  It is the bear crawl challenge.   I’m not even sure how the challenge goes, but I’m sure it involves a lot of bear crawling, so we did a long bear crawl from tree to tree as a group.  Maybe 80-100 yards.

Mosey eastward.

Sudden change.

Mosey eastward for a COP of Mucho Chesto.

Mosey to a pavilion near the marina for a round of freak-nasties (how do you spell that?), step-ups, and box jumps.

Mosey to a hidden playground and split into groups in 4 stations.  1) pull ups (10x), 2) LBCs (30x), 3) American Hammers (30x), 4) Flutter kicks (30x).  Rotate until all pax have done everything.

Mosey back to the flag area with a couple of sudden changes on the way.

Regroup near the flag for a holiday variant of what is usually Roxanne.  I passed the Q over to the Boss for a 4 minutes and 18 second Santa Claus is Coming to Town (his version if the best I’ve heard).  Every time we heard “he” we did 2 shoulder taps, on “Santa” we did a merkin, and on “Town” we did a plank jack.  It starts off slow, but really picks up at the end.

Finish up with a round of LBCs, flutter kicks… and then a final 10 burpees.  This brought us to 90 total.  Next time we’ll get 100.

In addition to various motivational quotes throughout the beatdown (maybe they were cheesy, but they helped me keep pushing on) we finished with some words said to be attributed to Mother Teresa :

Here’s the beautiful sunrise we finished up to:

Proud to be able to workout with these Pax who have pushed me to do more pushups, burpees (sp?), crunches, and many other crazy exercises that I never would have done without you over the last few years.  Thanks for the motivation and inspiration to never quit and to keep getting better.