Saturday’s Super 21’s (Or Something Similar)
Saturday’s Super 21’s (Or Something Similar)

Saturday’s Super 21’s (Or Something Similar)

PAX:Ace Ventura, Big Stick, Bushwacker, Butt Splice, Captain Sparkles, Chewy, EIEI, Grundy, THE Manny, Maverick, Moby Dick, Night Train, Shooter, Skim Milk, Steve (QIC), Turtle, Waterboy-Aquaman-Hydroman, Wrangler

It felt like Ei was missing his natural foil the past few weeks without Chewy in the fold, so it was a welcome sight to return from the 2 mile pre-thang and see them bickering at the flag again.  Welcome back Chewy, we missed ya.  18 men strong this Saturday morning.


Seal Jacks, Toe Touches, IW’s, Windmills, Good Mornings, all 15x IC, with OYO Merkins interspersed (10, 8, 6, 4, 2) between.  Next up: High Knees, Butt Kicks, and Smurf Jacks, all 30x IC.  Yeah, I could barely keep the cadence count here, at one point sounding like kid hitting puberty instead of a full-grown man.   Wrapped it up with 10 Merks, OYO.

The Thang:

It just wouldn’t feel natural if YHC led a beatdown that didn’t include the Bulgarian Split Squats.  It’s a staple that the PAX loves (or loves to hate).  Either way, YHC decided to knock it out early: Freak Nasties, Left BSS, Freaks, Right BSS, Freaks, everything 15x, IC.

Then a mosey over to the playground for an…. Overly-Optimistic-Semi-Mangled-Super-21 (Minus-Some).  Start with 10 Merks, 10 MCs, and 10 Plank Jacks, then lap the playground to return for 11 Merks, 11 MCs, and 11 Plank Jacks.  Onward and upward until you hit 20.  A LOT of bitching about this being an unlikely goal, with talk of rainbows and unicorn flying out of butts being bandied about.  Nevertheless, the PAX got to work, with a kale-powered Butt Splice leading the charge.

Well, YHC had a watch that morning and can say for certain that the PAX could  have finished.  But Bushwacker wanted more core this morning, so YHC called an audible and ended the misery (most got to around 17) to circle up for some Captain Thor.  The PAX did not show much appreciation.  (But YHC had a good laugh watching Ei do something that barely resembled sit-ups and looked more like simply rolling around in the grass.)

Then it was a Bataan Death March back to flag.  T-claps to Shooter who suggested two lines, so that everyone could get at least a set of burpees in.

Countdown, announcements, Splice prayed us out, and on to coffeeteria for a heated debate on the F3 naming conventions.  Thanks guys, hands down my favorite way to start a weekend.