Swinger in Da House – from King Kong
Swinger in Da House – from King Kong

Swinger in Da House – from King Kong

QIC:King Kong
PAX:King Kong, Stork, Strings, Will Gandy, Willie, #Swinger

Thunderstorms passed through last night. I woke up to a wet, cool April morning with low humidity. Rain had stopped around 6 a.m., and the sun was creeping up. What a beautiful morning!!! We saw a white minivan pulling up to the parking lot with an unfamiliar face. His name is Swinger from down range Houston (Sugarland). He’s called Swinger because he swing dances. But we all thought he lied about the origin of his name.

We started off with warm-ups: Self-Love, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Hill Billies, Arm Circles, Slow Low Squats, Halos, Bottle Caps, and Around the World.

The Thang 1 OYO:
10 single handed curls
10 single handed rows
10 Lunges with bells (2 is 1)
10 burpees jump over

15 triceps extensions
15 two handed rows
15 Leg raises with the bells
Bear crawl to the parking lot and back

20 overhead presses
20 kettle bell swings
20 goblet squats
Overhead carry to the parking lot and back

The Thang 2 in cadence:
Rinse and repeat all the exercises above. Except this time, we did everything in cadence.

The Thang 3:
Dora 1, 2, 3
100 curls, 200 kettle bell taps, 300 flutter kicks with the bell
While one pax was doing the exercise, the other pax was carrying his bell to the park lot and back. (dealer’s choice – could be overhead carry, suitcase carry, etc.)


Dinghy, Moana, and Sphinxter met us at Wakin’ Bakin’ for some breakfast.

