
4 Pavilions – from Pool Boy

Arriving at 5:15 in the gloom to a beautiful morning, it was go time! With the intro at 5:30, we moseyed over by the rock pile. Warmups: SSH Slow Abe Vigodas Grass Grabbers Burpees Imperial Walkers Arm Circles Low Slow squats Mountain climbers Slow merkins The Thang Grab a rock …

Rudy got sold – from Mayhem

Q started selling Rudy at 7:30pm the evening before on showing up to the proper AO… ABC (always be closing)… Rudy got sold 530am Disclaimer Mosey Warmarama: windmills, grass grabbers, side straddle hops, peter parker peter, mountain climbers, arm circles, reverse arm circles Rock pile then to the parking lot …