Hogs Breath
Hogs Breath

Efficiency – from Akbar

YHC has been working with Whacker helping cut yards for the past month. One thing that I’ve learned is the efficiency in which he works. Active, productive, profitable, skillful, decisive, effective, valuable, proficient, organized. It’s not like when we cut our own yard: chilling to tunes, stopping to talk with …

Ta-Battle! OR Hog’s Breath’s Eye Glasses Match His Birthday Suit – from Bushwacker

The idea was there, but planning and fleshing out said idea was left ‘til last minute. Assuming the best case scenario, QIC anticipated 7 PAX. Hog’s Breath was a HC because of a meeting, Russo was an HC because, well, it’s Russo. The rest? Eh. Anyhoo, the appropriate fleshing out …