Was it you, BooBoo?

It was just like old times as seven PAX gathered to celebrate my F3 Anniversary. As some of you know, my first workout was last February on the coldest day of 2019. Today, we were greeted by 41 degree (and dropping) temperatures, but fortunately for us it was also wet …

Rolling Stones

Since the Rolling Stones didn’t get to play Jazz Fest, it was only appropriate to pay them homage. Not to mention, Rudy was back from “surgery”, kind of like Mick Jagger. Did you see Jagger’s dance moves after heart surgery? Yeah, we didn’t get that from Rudy today. Warmup:Side straddle …

ROYAL RUN #2 2019

We posted for a beatdown at 6am in preparation for the REX ROYAL RUN 2019. We arrived to find it under 40 degrees and to find Fracsac and Two Yutes had already run a lap around the park. A quick disclaimer – then we mosey’d over the bandstand. A brief …

More Crabwalks!

Morning broke over the Uptowner, where YHC made a rare appearance for a Friday Q.  6 more PAX joined to start the day with a sweaty beatdown. Warm Up: YHC almost started with a Mosey, before remembering this is The Uptowner.  So instead, right here – circle up! SSH x25 …

Wally Warm-Up

Sorry, really late backblast.  Better late than never, but not much as the memory had faded. I do remember the warm-up, or at least the theme.  It is common for a Pontiff workout to start with 31 Side Straddle Hops.  Wally Pontiff, the namesake of the park, wore 31 playing …

Oops, it’s me again.

It’s been gloomy this week.  A good resbit before the Turkish steam bath that is soon to arrive.  QHC sees a lonely silhouette of a PAX ready to go.  It’s Hand-Grenada, our FNG from Monday gratis Walleye.  He’s nervously peering into the chasm for the pumping station into Pontiff.  It’s …

Friday windup

Hawg sent around a text the night before that there was no Q for the morning Post.  QHC stepped up to the plate two weeks ago and didn’t want to hog the honor, but wondered who would do so.  As YHC meandered over to the AO, he saw a familiar …