Snack Pack
Snack Pack

The Sultan of Squat

The Scene: The Knoll Conditions: Cool. Calm. Swampy. Welcome Disclaimer Warm-a-Rama: Prior to starting, we had a couple PAX with some interesting items: Money Cat with a Chocolate syrup bottle and Missile Toes with Rotating Push-up Bars. But, whatever, it was 0700, so we just got started. We did a …

A Buzzer Beatdown

The Scene: The Knoll Conditions: Mosquitos and Mud. Welcome Disclaimer Warm-a-Rama: Warmest day of the year. But we still did our warm-a-rama. Started with one full lap ending at the sundial. · SSH – 25x IC · Arm cirlces (15 Fwd/15Bkwds) · Bobby Hurley – 15x IC. (FNG was excited …

Olympics @ The Knoll

The Scene:  The Knoll Conditions: 66 or so. Best day yet. Still muddy. Welcome Disclaimer Warm-a-Rama: In honor of the winter Olympics, we did our own F3 Winter Olympic beat down (kinda). Capri Lap – a little mosey. Nancy Kerrigans – 10x Dutch Skates – 10x. I’m positive no one medaled …