
bizz buzz

3 pax met on Saturday for a slightly chilly, workout. Although turbo tax wasn’t there to motivate, they found the resolve to still meet 15 min early for a quick run, building up mileage in prep for the tough mudder. After a quick jaunt out and back from the invisible …

The foursome fearsome

4 brave souls arose from the fartsack and came out in the 60 degree weather this morning. 3/4 of the pax were still grumbling about being sore in unexpected places following Turbo’s epic beat down on Saturday. The thang: Warm-up jog to weird bus station: SSH and IW x 20 …

Trailhead AO Going Strong

Four Northshore F3 veterans met in the increasingly crisp morning air at the Mandeville Trailhead. Warmup Mosey loop on Tammany Trace with three stops Stop 1 – IW x 20 IC,  SSH x 20 IC Stop 2 – Plank Jacks x 20 IC Stop 3 – Slow Squats x 10 …

Stairway to Seven

5 pax met in the Gloom with equipped with headlamp, to brave the tunnel of darkness. The Thang: Mosey trailhead through tunnel of darkness to underpass: Warm-up: IW, Good mornings, cobra kicks x 21 IC Jacob’s ladder up to 7 squat thrusts Mt climbers, Peter Parker, Parker Peter IC x …

If a beatdown happens in a forest, but a backblast isn’t posted, did it really occur?

Nortshore PAX have been grappling with this existential question recently…… Despite continued intense beatdowns with steady turnout, backblast posting has been lackadaisical. Putting a new foot forward…. Warmup Mosey south on Lafitte St to Monroe St, West to Rusty Pelican at Girod SSH x 20 IC IW x 20 IC Pelican …