
The Three Amigos

With Capt Sparkles Q’ing a great CSAUP at the Crescent City Classic this past weekend, three F3 vets arrived at the flag in the “gloom” Saturday morning, Turbo, Maverick, and THE Manny. If the “gloom” this past weekend was wrong, I don’t want to be right!  T-claps to these two …

Hopping at the Gipper!

4 PAX converged on the Gipper for a hopping good time. QIC arrived with Steve at the AO with Turbo actively trying to stake the shovel in the ground or maybe he was trying to break ground to hide Easter eggs for the upcoming holiday. Either way, the earth was …

Mastering the 8-Count

Warm Up: Toe Touches, Good Mornings, Windmills, SSH’s, Toy Soldiers, Seal Jacks, Sister MK’s, all IC at or around 20x. The Thang: Mosey East towards the Lakefront playground, hitting a series of 8-count exercises at each cross street: 1st 20x 8-Count Bodybuilders 2nd 15x 8-Count Absolutions 3rd 10x 8-Count Bodybuilders, …

Another day at the Office

Another beautiful morning at The Gipper and another beat down in the books. Warmup of lateral lunges, airplanes, seal jacks, squats and forward lunges.  All 20x IC. Mosey to the Justice Center for some 11s.  Merkin/Shoulder Taps combo at the bottom of the stairs, In and Out Squat Jumps at …

I got a fever……

T-Claps to the south shore and north shore pax who completed the Tough Mudder. The mumble chatter is that no obstacles were skipped and major injuries were avoided.  The mothership at the Lakefront was 5 strong including Rev Socks and Hog Sickle from the south shore. Honorable mention the Hog …

Mid-Month AMRAP Recap

At a cool 38° and with the Ides of March approaching, it wasn’t a Shakespearean betrayal that had YHC worried – it was what miserable AMRAP challenge would Turbo come up with next?  So 14 days in, I figured we’d sprinkle a few of the past challenge exercises (italicized below) …

AB-solutely Appreciative

“I believe that every human mind feels pleasure in doing good to another” Thomas Jefferson And it was, indeed, a pleasure doing a good job whooping on the the PAX this morning! Warm-o-rama: Air Squared (people’s chair with seal claps) x20 21s – SSH in cadence, 1-5 out loud, 6-21 …

Run for the Hills

Beautiful morning at The Gipper.  Six men strong.  Glad to see Astro and Grundy back in action. Warmup with Seal Jacks, Windmills, Squats, Merkins all 20x IC. Mosey to the Landing for a Ring of Fire.  Merkins, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, Plank Jacks, and T Stands between plank walks around …