The Marsh as an Endangered Habitat or Blue Mondays?
The Marsh as an Endangered Habitat or Blue Mondays?

The Marsh as an Endangered Habitat or Blue Mondays?

PAX:F3 northshore

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” Martin Luther King Jr

As I laid in bed last night I decided I wasn’t going to make it to the Marsh because between the comfort of my best friend in college (my bed not my wife;) and the long weekend I had had, I knew the 4 o’clock hour would look as hideous a dog’s petoot! But a sudden thought urged me to see who had Q before I drifted off, and low and behold, “Bushwacker” was filled in for the 1/22 slot. Apparently, many of my F3 brethren had similar machinations because I experienced my 1st no-show (unless someone came REALLY late, in which case, my apologies).

Though it is no longer MLK day, and I’m certainly no Steve, I included the quote to inspire you guys to intentionally find a way to help another today, plus I did 50 merkins before I returned home make the kids’ lunches and put on some coffee for my wife. Often our closing prayer mentions appreciation for the men who come out to improve themselves and push us to do the same. Today’s beatdown is all about working the heart muscle, go out of your way to do for others today!