What in the world!!
What in the world!!

What in the world!!

PAX:Akbar, Amnesia, Bushwhacker, The Hammer, Steve, Waterpik

Q arrived to the sights/sounds of Wacker chatter with Steve and Waterpik. This was unexpected as the previous day the Wacker had stated the likeliness of a post was not in his favor. Considering he is embarking on a 50k solo journey to Alabama this weekend, where he will most certainly complete in under 7 hours.. YHC was happy to see the PAX swell to 7 men as 0515 approached and so we got started with our warmup before the journey through Mandeville..


10IC Good mornings, Imperial walkers, Windmills, Butt kicks, Scorpion kicks and followed with some isolation groin stretch left/right and iso hold cobra style..


Q announced to the PAX his vision of incorporating some back pedals and Caricoas along the route. Intentions were to keep the PAX close in proximity along the way. As we approach the Hermitage subdivision and turn to back pedal and shifted to Caricoa we notice a bystander waiting out front for a buddy with boat in tow. One can only imagine the thoughts in which ran through his mind as 7 F3 brethren greet “Good Morning” as they pass through the darkness..
Holding back as long as he can Wacker decides to break away with his competitive nature to be seen again at the AO.. Hammer and YHC chattered amongst ourselves as Steve, Pik and Akbar pulled the Six for a short period anyway.. We arrived at the pier with the illumination of someone sitting with a computer at the end of the pier and Hammer with his witty movie, song and network programming mentions the series 24!!! Steve you may wanna make a call to your producer for the possibility of a series shot close to home.. Returned to the AO minus 1 as Amnesia decided to catch an extra loop. Took to the ground for 20IC Merkins, 10IC Zoo scissors, 20IC Little Manny crunches, 10IC Right-side Nolan Ryan’s 20IC Mountain climbers and closed with 10IC Left-sided Nolan’s..

Count, announce, COT

Q closed the PAX in prayer!

Grateful to see Waterpik back with the PAX at the Scramble!!

Thanks for following my lead men and 👍🏻👊🏻💪🏻 till the next Gloom!