F3/Nola: The Wile Coyote — Pre-launch workout #3
F3/Nola: The Wile Coyote — Pre-launch workout #3

F3/Nola: The Wile Coyote — Pre-launch workout #3

QIC:KeyMan, Roots, OBT
PAX:KeyMan (WarDaddy), Roots, Hawgcycle (FNG Craig), Reluctant Yankee (fka Wicked), OBT

Aye, 5 men, including one FNG, posted in the Gloom for the final F3/New Orleans pre-launch workout at City Park Track.

The Thang:

OBT: Warmup lap around track, including stretches of bear crawl, crab walk, backwards run and walking lunges.

Warmup COP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, LBCs, Mountain Climbers

Jog partway around track for set of random sprint combinations across the infield, including straight sprints, backwards run, burpees, etc.

Under the big oak that overhangs the backstretch for a plank rotation: Regular, Cross Plank, Right Hand High, Left Hand High, Makhtar N’diaye x 12.

Hand off to KeyMan:

Run to traffic circle for COP that includes several sets of Larry Craig Pushups.

Run to park offices, push through bamboo behind parking lot and climb Nola’s Biggest Hill to the RR tracks.

The Wile Coyote: Pushups with hands on one rail, feet on the other.

SSH in between the RR tracks.

Back down the RR embankment and into the park offices parking lot for a set of Hello Dolly. Run back to workout starting point. Hand off to Roots:

Run the length of Roosevelt Mall (about a quarter-mile).

Pusherama: Merkins, Diamonds, Larry Craig, Chuck Norris

Run back along the length of the mall to the football field behind the track. From the goal line, 15-yard sets of: Walking Lunges, Bear Crawl, Leapfrogs.

Jog back to track, sprint the 100 meters on the backstretch.

Hand back to OBT: Final set is a 45-second plank hold at 6 Inches.


Spreadsheets from the Gloom:

_ T-claps to KeyMan and Roots for stepping up to lead segments of the workout today. A great start and a good chance to get that VQ out of the way.

_ T-claps also to Wicked, who has been re-named The Reluctant Yankee and who brought the group’s first EH, Craig from Arkansas (nickname Hawgcycle).

_ Y’all might want to keep an eye on KeyMan, who seems to have a knack for leading folks into #UnexpectedDanger. Every time he set up a COP in the middle of one of the park’s roads, a car came by to break it up. And the trip to the railroad tracks and pushups on the rails had YHC frantically reciting the #disclaimer to the pax.

_ Dredd’s #LexiconPromotionCampaign may be having an effect in Nola: Roots informs YHC that the Nola version of #SplashingMerlot is #ThrowingGumbo. Y’all just have to have your own way of doing everything, don’t you? They can’t just be medians, they have to be Neutral Grounds, you’re useless if you can’t pronounce a French “g” …

_ Finally, YHC had the honor of presenting the Snoop-crafted Nola ShovelFlag to the pax, who were suitably impressed by the care and craftsmanship. Great work, Snoop, and there’s a group of men down here who  can’t wait to thank you in person  when you come down to Q a workout for them.

_ Reminder: The public launch of F3/Nola is Saturday at 0700 at the City Park Track. Plan to arrive by 0650 to stretch and introduce yourself; look for the Snoop ShovelFlag. Your leaders will be the dynamic duo of Chong Li and Gandalf. Coffeeteria to follow at Cafe Navarre, 800 Navarre, about a half mile from the park.

_ I’m headed back to Charlotte, but want to extend my deepest gratitude to all of you in Nola for making me feel at home this week and for helping to make this thing happen by giving up your time and taking a chance on something completely random. We’re excited for you to take this in a uniquely Nola direction and get it in front of men throughout Louisiana. Keep EHing!




    1. Flay

      Aye there’s a nice set of tracks just up from #MainThang next to the baseball stadium that’s just begging for some Wile E. Coyote.

      Nice work this week OBT… I’m actually headed to NOLA for a conference next week. Think they’ll feel feisty enough for a mid week beatdown?

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