610 Stomp #14 – Moss St. Route
610 Stomp #14 – Moss St. Route

610 Stomp #14 – Moss St. Route

PAX:Side Effects, Hawg, OSHA, Forest, Amnesty, Jingle Vader (F.K.A. Jazzy), Tool

Seven men gathered this morning for our usual Tuesday fix of running and burpees. Conditions were moderate with a strong breeze, slightly damp air, and a surprisingly not so cool temp of 73 degrees.  After discussing an alternative route and the disclaimer, we headed off into the gloom of City Park.  Six minutes of running and a minute of burpees and/or walking, rinse and repeat till done.  The route this am was as follows:  Roosevelt Mall around the museum, down Lelong Drive to Moss St./Bayou St. John, down Moss to the end of the bayou, proceed along the bike path on Jeff Davis Pkwy, loop around the Jeff Davis Statue, and head back on the same route but opposite side of the bayou.  Total distance of 4.18 miles with several options to modify to a shorter route if needed.  We also talked about the option of bonus points by running a lap or two around the track (or Big Lake track) at the end for anyone who finishes early and feels so inclined.  Everyone was between an 8-10 min per mile pace and sealed the deal with 10 burpees at the end.  Nothing super exciting or super funny this am to report so hard to make this backblast any livelier.

COT included some thoughts for the turmoil with ISIS and the Syrian people along with the frustration that so many feel in trying to find resolution.  We also mentioned those battling illness and surgeries.  T-claps to Side Effects for taking the prayer.  Also, T-claps to OSHA for being a regular the past few weeks and posting most mornings when in town.

Definitely a solid morning and we all got stronger.
