May Crowning
May Crowning

May Crowning


When Yankee and I taught at Sacred Heart they had a strange little tradition called May Crowning which serves as the namesake for our May Competition. Here are the rules:

1. Put up $50.00
2. Post at least 3 times in each of the 4 weeks during May
3. Keep your money and get a free round at the first F2 event in June.

The idea is to challenge yourself to post consistently. You have to post at least 3 times each week to win and keep your money – miss one week and you are out. We will use the “loser” money to treat the winners at F2 and donate the rest to charity.

There will also be an overall winner for the man that posts the most during May. Overall winner gets some F3 swag and chooses the charity (Human Fund is not allowed).

If you are in, post a comment below. Reply to your original comment at the end of each week with the number of workouts you posted at during the week. Competition starts on Monday 5/2. Monday – Saturday constitutes a week.

Game on!


    1. Shorty

      3 for this week (Okwata, WPM, and Mothership)… that’s right, I did a future post for Sat. since I have the flag… can’t fartsack tomorrow now!

  1. Rudy_NOLA

    I’m in, but can I get special consideration for week #1? I’m on the road in OKC and South Bend this week – but I plan on posting solo (even brought my F3 shirt…). Posted Monday and today, and looking forward to my first Notre Dame post on Friday.

    1. Rudy_NOLA

      Week 1: All remote, All solo. I’ll defer to the group whether these count or not. OKC Monday (mile run; presses, rows, curls, abs, presses each x20; repeat x2; mile run; squats, lunges, abs each x20 repeat x2). OKC Tuesday (run); Notre Dame Friday (found a soccer field for 11s with lunges/burpees, found me a picnic table overlooking a lake for a round of Channing Tatum, Durkin, Dip, Iurkin, Tatum Channing x20; repeat x2; found a spot on the quad under the dome for tabata Russian Twists)

        1. Rudy_NOLA

          Week 3 (ending 5/21): Rock City, 610 Stomp, Okwata (and a solo one in Rosemary beach. Lots of strange looks while I’m doing my bench circuit of CT, Durkins, Dips, Murkins, TC on the town lawn)

  2. Jingle Vader (f/k/a Jazzy)

    You mean you want me to keep track of myself? How, sadly, uncommon these days. Anyway.

    Week One: Rock City (I’m taking double credit for my skull crushing May Crowning), Bird Cage, Okwata, Wolf Pack Mtn, Mothership.
    Week Two: Rock City, Okwata, Mothership (and, I think, also Wolf Pack Mtn, but no BackBlast to confirm, RY???? wasn’t that you??).
    Week Three: East of Eden (Tuesday and Thursday), Mothership.
    Week Four: Rock City, Bird Cage and we still have three days to go!

    1. Jingle Vader (f/k/a Jazzy)

      Week Four: Rock City, Bird Cage, Okwata, Wolf Pack Mtn and Mothership.
      So total posts for the month (without double-credit for skull-crushing initiation): 16 (or 17, which I can’t confirm because the Q for Wolf Pack on 5/13–RY, ain’t that you??–still hasn’t posted a backblast). Thanks to all for putting up with me. JV

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