The Mystery Q Still Remains a Mystery
The Mystery Q Still Remains a Mystery

The Mystery Q Still Remains a Mystery

QIC:Tool (filling in for Mystery Q)
PAX:Amnesty, Chair Thrower, Boogie, Bubba, Maverick, Mayberry (F3 Knoxville), Rudy

This workout started with a text from a fellow PAX asking if I’d be able to Q in the event that the “Mystery Q” didn’t make it.  Needless to say I obliged and proceeded to ask if there was a certain theme the Mystery Q had in mind and the response was “…it’s a mystery even to me.”  Therefore, it still seems a bit fuzzy on who the true Mystery Q was going to be.  The PAX had to settle for me instead and here’s what happened:

After a brief yet complex explanation about the Mystery Q and the uncertainty of him joining the workout at any given moment, YHC took the lead with the usual disclaimer and mosey to the rock pile.

Warm Up:

SSH x30 IC, Windmills x20 IC, Monkey Humpers x20 IC, IPW x30 IC, Arm Circles x20 IC, Plank, Rolls x20 IC

Grab a rock a mosey to the field for a Burpee/Curl circuit in pairs:

PAX 1 cranks out 10 Burpess while PAX 2 cranks out Curls AMRAP.  Toggle back and forth while counting down to 1….which was instead replaced with a 10 (#thanksOBT).  Total count was 64 Burpees and a bunch of Curls.

Round two was a similar circuit with Imperial Squat Walkers (2 count) and shoulder presses AMRAP.  Start a 10, work down to 1…which was once again replaced with 10.  Total was 64 reps (128 Squats w/knee-elbow twist) and shoulder presses till arms were nearing numbness.

Some famous and inspiring quotes were recited by the PAX somewhere through this about “iron sharpening iron” and “no pain no gain” and “pain is just weakness leaving the body”….

PAX lined up for a Mary themed Indian Bear Crawl (always easier to envision than explain) to the track and back with rounds of:  Russian Twists, LBC, Flutter Kick, Plank.  YHC will pretend I didn’t hear whoever suggested the “Tunnel of Love” for the last round….that may be a bit too bromantic.  T-claps to Rudy for the impromptu vocal performance.  YHC was planning on a longer bear crawl but time was up so after depositing rocks to the pile, there was a sprint to the flag.

COT included prayers for the Daigle family and those battling health issues.  Also gave thanks to the Sky Q for giving us the opportunity and physical ability to do these workouts.  That’s something that hopefully doesn’t get taken for granted.

T-claps to Mayberry from F3 Knoxville for joining us and pushing the PAX.

T-claps to Chair Thrower for posting twice in row and planning on a third post for the Tuesday stomp.

T-claps to the Mystery Q for asking me to lead.  I hope this was on par with what he had in store.  I regret not pushing the PAX a bit more and squeezing in more bear crawling and running…gonna have to work on clock management.  Also regret forgetting that today was the 11 year anniversary of Katrina.  I would have been fitting to do burpees in the ditch/canal for some floodwater flashback.
