

QIC:Jingle Vader
PAX:Bar Crawl, Bartman, Douille, Hokie, Landing Strip, Nip Tuck, Quick Draw, Reluctant Yankee, Roots, Tinkles, Tundra, and Jingle Vader (Q).

After a friendly reminder from Mother Yankee, YHC showed up early this morning and even with a watch (tho per Roots it was four minutes slow). So after a lame disclaimer, a PAX of an even dozen began the THANG.

Mosey to warm up.
Good Mornings x15IC
Imperial Walkers x30IC
SSHs x30IC
Peter Parkers x30IC

Mosey to soccer field for first COP, or what YHC called COMBS. Split up into five groups for some OYO.
C – Crawl across the soccer goal for the count.
O – Overhead claps (basically SSHs forcing the lazier PAX to do it the right way)
M – Merkins, obviously.
B – Could’ve been Big Boy Situps, but wasn’t. Burpees, of course.
S – Squats

Rinse and repeat for some DownPAINment, except this time C is 10 Corn-on-the-Cobs: basically, 10 pull ups alternating from side to side.

Mosey for second COP. It was going to be ATMs (alternating shoulder taps, then tempo merks and then fast merkins), but QHC had a senior moment. So instead, it was a Merk-and-Burp ladder. A single burpee, then the next burpee with two merkins, then the next burpee with three merks, etc. to a merkin with ten burpees, then back down: a burpee with nine merkins, then a burpee with eight merkins, etc. down to a regular burpee with just one merkin. So that was 19 burpees and 100 merkins.

Mosey to Popp Fountain for third COP, or what YHC called LIMBS (he had thought of CLIMB, but forgot was C should be). It’s a variation on Dora. The PAX paired up. 75 lunges, 75 imperial walkers, 75 merkins, 75 burpees (sorry! not really), and 75 squats. While one of the pair started the LIMBS, the other ran down the allee and back, and then pick up where partner left off, etc. In the words of SpongeBob, ARRGGG.

Short, slow mosey to a quick Mary: 101 LBCs. If QHC can count, that’s about 200 merks, 100 burpees and 100 LBCs, plus some lagniappe because the weather was so cool.

Mosey back to flag for Namorama, jumbled announcements, intentions, and a muddled prayer. Thanks for putting up with old dudes, YHC

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