Burpin’ at the Bollards
Burpin’ at the Bollards

Burpin’ at the Bollards

PAX:Brown Bag, G-Spot, Bartman, Reluctant Yankee, Tito, El Wire, Nip Tuck, Eighty-Six, Roots(QIC)

Pre-Thang: Nine pax showed up at the Birdcage ready to take on a muggy 60 degree NOLA winter morning. After the disclaimer we hit the road.

The Thang: Mosey out and around the golf club house to the bandstand lawn for a warmup COP: Plank Jacks, Peter Parker, Mtn. Climber, Parker Peter, Hillbilly, SSH x 25 all IC.

Short mosey to the bollards at oak alley. Partner up. Partner A does the designated exercise AMRAP, while partner B runs the loop down the alley, left toward St. Charles and back around on the shell road (approx. .35 miles).

Round 1 = Burpees
Round 2 = LBC’s
Round 3 = Squats
Round 4 = Merkins

Short mosey back to warm up area for 6 Minutes of Mary: Plank Walk, R-Twist, Real Freddie, Dolly, Flutter Kicks, Dying Cockroach x 20 all IC.

Sprint back to flag for COT w/shoutout by YHC.

T-Claps to the pax for toughing it out on a nasty morning. Although we didn’t seem to get very far from the flag at any point, we covered 2.05 miles.

Good Times!