
More Legs

Pre Thang:  Ten men of NOLA met at the shovel flag this morning. After the disclaimer we were off. There was a short mosey around to the golf club house and over to the oak alley where we stopped for the warmup and picked up number 11. The Thang:  Warmup …

Back To Work

Eleven Pax gathered early Friday morning with mumblechatter rehashing the Gnarly Nutria and what coulda, shoulda, woulda been… The “world” won! What’s done is done.  Time to move forward and get stronger for next time.  What better place to do so than the center of the universe– Wolfpack Mountain!  After the …

Birdcage Ruck #3

Two Nola pax met up at the birdcage for another evening of Go Ruck prep. YHC initially thought Thursday evenings might bring a good crowd… You’re missing a chance at some great 2nd F if you’re not showing up. We took off at 18:10 and made our way through the …

Birdcage Ruck

Three NOLA pax made it to the Birdcage by 18:00 to peel off for the inaugural uptown ruck workout. We took off across magazine street and headed for the fly. We encountered a stopped train and considered going under, but YHC opted for the safest route and we rucked on …

Almost Famous…

Pre-Thang: Unbeknownst to the pax that showed up 19 strong, YHC got the word Thursday evening that our roving reporter would not be posting with us in the gloom, so the spectacular beat down planned was put on the shelf and we did this instead… The Thang: Mosey over and …

Twice the Fun

Pre Thang: Eleven Pax showed up eager for the mountain, so after a quick disclaimer YHC obliged. The Thang: Short mosey across the avenue and straight to WPM with a brief stop at the bike rack for 50 SSH IC, then over to the base of the first ramp. On …

Burpin’ at the Bollards

Pre-Thang: Nine pax showed up at the Birdcage ready to take on a muggy 60 degree NOLA winter morning. After the disclaimer we hit the road. The Thang: Mosey out and around the golf club house to the bandstand lawn for a warmup COP: Plank Jacks, Peter Parker, Mtn. Climber, …

Back to the Suck…

After the disclaimer we took off at 5:30 sharp into the thick, still gloom–13 strong. The Thang: Mosey over and around to front lawn of TU, where we picked up Revit for an even 14. We circled up for SSH x 50 IC, then we moseyed over to TD Jesus …