12 Men and a Levee
12 Men and a Levee

12 Men and a Levee

PAX:Maverick, Bubba, Vespa (FNG), Kimchi, Cowbell, Surge, Jingle Vader, Nip Tuck, Crab Legs, Rebound, Tool, Fracsac

Okwata is an incredible AO.  With all the mumblechatter of finding new AO’s to avoid Okwata, YHC felt obligated to bring a good beatdown.  In order to keep it real, YHC needed to bring his “A” game.

12 men of F3 gathered around the flag (a real one courtesy of Kimchi) in the gloom, ready to take on Okwata. After giving a quick disclaimer…..

The Thang

The PAX began their mosey around the Mardi gras fountain, Carioca looking left, then Carioca looking right.  Circle up for:

Warm Up

SSH IC x 25
Windmills IC x 11
arm circles IC x 20 (10 front, 10 back)

Peter Parker IC x 25
Mountain Climbers IC x 25
Parker Peter IC x 25

Mosey to Canal and the top of the levee. If one wants to bring some pain to the PAX, the levee with burpees is a great way to ensure delivery of said pain.

Levee Fun – One

Pair up and gather at the base of the levee on the lake side.  While always facing the lake, one PAX runs backwards up the levee and forward down three times, all while the second PAX is doing Burpees.  YHC originally stated five times up and down, but quickly changed it to three.  The PAX, including YHC, will have to work up to five.  In case one may be wondering if this Burp Back Mountain will show up again, the answer is yes, and probably with four levee hikes, working our way up to five.The PAX accomplished 100 burpees per team, cumulative, working together.  Once any team finished, that team continued hiking “back” up and down the levee until all teams finished.  This was a real downPAINment on our commitment to Okwata, but we were not finished yet!

Levee Fun – Two

The PAX moseyed to the east side of Canal and Lakeshore Drive for Four Corners.  YHC instructed the PAX to run to each corner, starting with 25 Monkey Humpers at the first corner, and increasing by 25 at each other corner. It took some PAX a little while to catch on, but they made up the MH’s, so all was good. It went like this:

run south to the corner of Canal and Amethyst, then do 25 x MonkeyHumpers
run across Canal and do 50 x MH’s
run north to Canal and Lakeshore Drive and do 75 x MH’s
return to first corner and do 100 x MH’s
Al Gore until all PAX finished

Mosey back to the flag for some Mary


Box Cutters IC x 25
Real Freddie Mercury IC x 25
Tin Snips (Thx HVAC) x 15
Hello Dolly IC x 25
LBC’s IC x 50

Time was almost up, but two minutes left, so….

Merkins IC x 10 (that’s 20 total)
Plank position for 30 seconds
Left side plank for 30 seconds
Ride side plank for 30 seconds
LBC’s x 25

Circle back up at the flag for count off, name-o-rama, and to name an FNG.  Welcome Vespa!  T-Claps to Triple Shift for the steady stream of new F3 Men to the PAX.  T-Claps to Kimchi for being the last man standing by not missing a post in the NYR challenge to date.
Finally, T-Claps to all the PAX that showed up at Okwata this AM, including some Uptowners!  I guess I’m due to visit Uptown soon to reciprocate.


Announcements and intentions, and ended with the Ball of Man!


YHC has given constructive criticism in the past in regard to the lack of BB’s being posted, so YHC was not surprised to receive much grief for posting this BB 7 hours after the Beatdown happened.  Although being punctual in a BB is good, being succinct is not.  YHC felt that having an accurate and comprehensive BB was more important than beating YHC’s previous record of 45 minutes.  #awesomeexcuse

Thanks for letting me lead, and for helping me on my journey to becoming a stronger leader.




  1. Hawgcycle

    Terrible excuse, but awesome backblast. This Burp Back Mountain exercise is genius. Burpees are like bacon, they make everything better. Quadraphilia is awesome, but of course, burpees are going to make it even better.

    Okwata is my favorite AO. Reading this BB makes me regret cheating on her with Hotlantis this morning. I’m torn.

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