Improvising at the Birdcage
Improvising at the Birdcage

Improvising at the Birdcage

PAX:Bartman, Brown Bag, Buckle Bunny, Cowbell, Douille, El Wire, G-Spot, Hasselhoff, Jadeveon, Jammy Fanny, Jingle Vader, Lemonhead, Mulligan, Nip/Tuck, Quick Draw, Revit, Reluctant Yankee, Sandbar, Seaman, YSR, Shorty (QIC)

Ruck this!” – Birdcage Pax

First GrowRuck AO training of the season!  Hawg, Cowbell and YHC wanted to launch the first one at an Uptown AO to spark some more interest from the NOLA Pax….stuff like “Look at how cool there bags look!” & “Wow, I wanna join in the fun too!!” & “Where do I sign up??”.  Cowbell & YHC were clown-carring and talking about cool things to do with rucks, and YHC was going to incorporate them all into the glorious beatdown.  Cowbell and YHC thought the Pax would be ready to go in the Birdcage gloom:

PUMA puma backpack GIF

Instead, we got this:

South Park unsure sharon marsh standing stephen stotch GIF

No one knew what to do…We were saddened.  Not even JV or RY had theirs!  Oh well, time to improvise… but first…DISCLAIMER

The Thang

Let’s mosey…Cowbell & YHC threw our rucks in his truck bed (blah)….around the parking lot, and over to a grassy area by the bandstand. You see, there was a ruck beatdown in my head, and I had to abort my plan (this is why I never plan these things anymore) and come up with something on the fly…time to think during the warmup

COP #1: Warmup…( + Shorty’s thoughts)

10x Burpees OYO…(maybe we could do team stuff like Dora…or maybe we could just do Burpees for 30 minutes <–half joking on that one)
10x SSH IC
9x Burpees OYO…(what am I going to do?…Elevens??….I wish some of The World was here, they would know what to do…Man, the Pax should’ve just brought their rucks!!)
10x SSH IC
8x Burpees OYO…(Got it! – complete Warmup after this one!)
10x SSH IC

More or less what happened.  I think Quick Draw called me out by saying “He’s just making this up”….Yes, my friend, I was.  Mosey over to the bottom of the bandstand by the pond, and partner up in groups of 3 Pax.

Circuit #1:  Merkincides / Storm the Beach

Pax A: Merkincides down lamp post alley.. 15x Merkins each time you are at the startline (75 Merks total). Once done, mosey back to Pax B & C to complete the round.  [Timer]
Pax B: Pax 1 of Storm the Beach – Jump ups to then climb up the Bandstand…at top, do Planks until Pax C tags you out.
Pax C: Pax 2 of Storm the Beach – Jump ups to then climb up the Bandstand…at top, do Sumo Squats until Pax B tags you out.

Each group of 3 Pax cycled through the job roles one time.  Great job men!

Mosey to the half way point in lamp post alley, and partner up into a group of 2 Pax.

Circuit #2:  8-count Body Builders / Animals – courtesy of Hawg’s email preview (Tclaps for the idea).

Pax A: AMRAP x 8-count Body Builders IC…got through about 8 – 11 reps of these each set.
Pax B: Bear Crawl out to a lamp post, Frog Hop back to the start [Timer]

Each group of 2 Pax cycled through the job roles two times.

Mosey to the end of lamp post alley by the track.

COP #2: 6MOM

12x Crunchy Frogs IC
12x Putins IC
12x Flutter Kicks IC
12x Hello Dolly IC
12x Real Freddie Mercury IC

Mosey to a grassy area near the virtual shovel flag (VSF).

COP #3: Plie Work – a Plie is a low squat, toes pointed out at a 45º angle. Pax held this position and did the following:

8x Front Claps IC
8x Above Claps IC
8x Wing Flaps IC
8x F. Arm Circles IC
8x B. Arm Circles IC

Done! Circled around the VSF, where we held the COT – Countoff, Nameorama, Shoutouts and a Prayer.  Thanks for letting me lead!  Maybe next time there will be more rucks!


  • On a serious note, F3 beatdowns will get you prepared for a GORuck event.  If you are having doubts about making it through the event, rest your mind since our F3 training has the combination of cardio & strengthening you need be ready for the event.
  • That said…GrowRuck 03 is 06.10.17.  Just sign up… everybody is doing it!
  • Check the F3NOLA emails…lots of great stuff in there!