Sweat Fest at The Gipper – from Saban
Sweat Fest at The Gipper – from Saban

Sweat Fest at The Gipper – from Saban

PAX:Barely Legal, Einstein, Fletch, Mobydick, DarkWingDuck

Whoa! The humidity returns.

toe touch, side straddle hops, arm circles, neck rolls, parker peters, peter parkers, imperial walkers, hillbillies, scissors, side-to-side stretch, etc.

1.lung walk, squat, burpee our way down the block towards the Taj Mahal
2.leg swings at the parking post
3. stop and start ladder (2,4,6,8, parking stripes); forward run, back peddle, side shuffle left, side shuffle right, sprint
4. ring of fire around the flagpole; push ups with bear crawl – clockwise then counter clockwise.
5. mosey to the Courthouse for step-ups at the benches
6. mosey back to the F3 flag

all worked up a good sweat
Legal prays us out

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