Revenge of the 40
Revenge of the 40

Revenge of the 40

PAX:Cowbell, Jingle Vader, Rudy, Shorty, Tool, Triple Shift

Glorious morning on the lakefront, summer humidity is starting to make its presence known.  Pulled in alongside the parked and running cars holding other PAX just waiting to get started.  Yup, that’s Shorty’s car.  And Cowbell.  And ….. Um, no driver in that one.  No PAX either.  Just a ghost car, idling and waiting for godot, I guess.  YHC happy to return to the site of his last real F3 workout 7 weeks ago.  But then who appears next in the gloom but The Culprit.  YHC stared (perhaps glared) at Triple Shift, and covered up his pinky in instinctive defense mode.

Quick disclaimer as JV told us time was a-wastin’.  And then we were off.

Jacks COP: Mosey towards the levee to start off with some Jacks

  • SSH x25
  • Seal Jacks x25
  • Smurf Jacks (aka Cowbells) x20
  • Plank Jacks x25
  • 1:00 Elbow Plank

40: 40 times over the levee.  10 exercises, each done in 4 sets of 10 reps.  Over the levee for set 1.  Back over for set 2.  Back over for set 3.  Back over for set 4.  After set 4, continue the exercise until the 6 finishes.

  • Lunges
  • Box Cutters
  • XFit Muricans
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Bobby Hurleys (coupled with the levee climbs, these sucked)

Half way.  Break for 30 count from Cowbell, then a 1:00 Elbow Plank.  Then continue…

  • Russian Twists
  • Muricans
  • Low Slow Squats
  • Peter Parkers
  • Dr. W (YHC was gassed, and my form stunk.  Triple Shift showed up every one as he maintained that pristine form through the end)

6:15 on the nose, so back to the VSF for count-off, name-o-rama, and close with a prayer.

Great to be back out at it with the group.  I thought 6 weeks of running would have kept me in good shape, but there’s a big difference between the running and Levee Running.  Looking forward to being back in the saddle again!