Circuit Overload!
Circuit Overload!

Circuit Overload!

PAX:Bongo, Frac Sac, Hawgcycle, Jingle Vader, Nip/Tuck, Surge, Shorty (QIC)

Execute every act of thy life as though it were thy last.” – Marcus Aurelius

YHC was 81.9% sure I would make my scheduled Q this gloom.  After rigorous testing of my hypothesis of the “SnoozeQ”, it appears that if YHC is in bed by 10:00 PM, there is a 99.9% chance of making my scheduled Q….every minute late that chance decreases by 0.4%.  Very scientific, and the formula is shown below:

SnoozeQ Formula% Chance of Q = 99.9% – ([minutes late to bed] * 0.4%/min)
7/6/17 Q chance81.9% = 99.9 – ([45min] * 0.4%/min)

Feel free to use this formula and modify the #SnoozeFactor [%/min] according to your lifestyle.  For example, Cowbell has a SnoozeFactor of 117%/min (a.k.a. there is no hope).  Maybe if he takes off his flip-flops and sets aside his fruity, umbrella drinks in Orange Beach, he can reduce his SnoozeFactor and join us for a beatdown one day!

Enough on that topic….7 men decided to get better today at Okwata.  YHC loves circuits, so that’s what we will do….but first…


The Thang

Mosey over to Canal Blvd corner…the Pax thought we would run up the levee….

Image result for not so fast my friend gif

Circle up in the grassy area.

COP #1: Warmup

20x SSH IC
10x Burpees OYO
10x Alt Shoulder Taps IC
10x Mountain Climbers IC
10x Merkins IC

Nice and warm, and the fact that the cop car was watching us the whole time, mosey over to the playground:

Circuit #1: Leg Clock

There are 9 benches in a circle, 7 Pax line up at 7 different benches for this Circuit:

5x Box Jumps
Lunge Walk clockwise to the next Bench
Al Gore until Q say done
Repeat until we get back to the original spot

Ouch….Good job men!  Mosey over across the street to the lakefront by the eight planters.

Circuit #2: Burpeecides

Suicides with Burpees at each planter.  The reps of burpees = the nth planter (2x burpees = 2nd planter; 7x burpees = 7th planter; etc.)

In total, we got 36 burpees in (+10 from COP #1) x 7 Pax = 322 Burpees for Cadre Danny!

Mosey over to the House of Pain.

Circuit #3: Strength Work

3x Pullups
5x Merkins
25 yd Bear Crawl
Mosey over the levee and back to the start.

Four round of this circuit.  Great job men!

Mosey back to the flag for some time with Mary.

COP #2: 6MOM

10x Alt Heel Taps IC
8x R. Leg Curls/Lifts IC
8x L. Leg Curls/Lifts IC
10x Crunchy Frog IC
10x Hello Dolly IC

Done, and finished with a COT (Countoff, Nameorama, Shoutouts and Prayer).  Thanks for letting me [get my ass out of bed to] lead this group of men!


  • The Gnarly Nutria: Wednesday Evening (9pm), July 19th. Uptown vs The World. A 5.5 mile race, 3 laps around Audubon Park, followed by a cold drink or 2. Last year, the Uptowners narrowly edged out the world under a contested finish.

One comment

  1. Fracsac

    Great beat down Shorty! One thing you didn’t document was the sunrise you had us face while doing the 10 burpees OYO in the warmup. Great snooze formula, btw.

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