Is Q school here yet? Your QIC sure could use it!!
Is Q school here yet? Your QIC sure could use it!!

Is Q school here yet? Your QIC sure could use it!!

PAX:Einstein, Moby, Shooter (QIC), Steve, Turbo

Your QIC tried to start the Gloom NOT once, NOT twice, NOT three times but FOUR  times.. (🤔) This would prove not to be the only foul performed by your QIC on this mild Gloom. Wanted to start a 4IC warmup excerise toe, waist, shoulder and sky, however the QICs brain was stuck on dah 3 and could not get the count right so the PAX engaged in trying to help but to no avail… Steve in is humbleness, informed the Q at the end of the beat down that the PAX may have contributed to the brainfart the Q was experiencing, however I take full accountability for the mix up.. Enough of my justification for screwing up, let’s get started!!


25 IC (Toe, waist, shoulder, sky) 3 of course

25 IC WM


25 IC BK

the thang

Moseyed to the Tahj for our first instruction where the PAX recalled a previous beat down incorporating Crab walks (thanks for remembering Einstein)  but the Q had other B.L.I.M.MC. (Burpees, Lunges, IW, Merkins, Mountain Climbers) (2nd foul) in mind. (R/R) I know at this point some of you are pausing and asking yourselves what is he talking about.. Well ya see, the Q called B.L.I.M.P.S and if you check the Lexicon the acronym clearly determines what the PAX should do. Q just follow the order already.. 😩 Thank you Turbo and Steve for providing knowledge that the Q will use going forward.. The Q thinking he had to modify in turn may have created a new exercise. (Not really) Moseyed to the front where the PAX circled around the flag for a series of the Merkin Wave (1,2,3,4 etc. to 10). Once completed we journeyed to the parking garage where we partnered up. Man at the bottom started Plank Jacks while their partner bear crawled halfway up and then sprinted to the Top where he called back to his partner and picked up the count. Once the partner from the bottom met back with there partner they completed the remainders together till reaching 200. Utilized the low portion of the garage for some pull-ups while the other man Carioca down and back. Moseyed to the top where the Q put the PAX on there 6 for an Indian Crab walk. PAX in single file doing LBCs while the man in the back Crab walks to the front R/R 4x till the PAX reached the stairs.. Recovery walk down the steps and then moseyed back to the trailhead.


Countarama, annoucarama, COT

(Moby prayed us out)

Appreciate the opportunity to lead gentleman.

See y’all in the Gloom..