My O Face
My O Face

My O Face

PAX:L Wired, Nip Tuck, Bartman, Reluctant Yankee, Brown Bag, Saban, Pony Boy, Cavalier, 86, Douie!

Soooo almost fartsacked this morning to walk up to the Pax and get the “Oh you showed up!”.  Which prompts the immediate reply “Oh Shit! I’ve got the Q”


So a short mosey for an even shorter warm up.

25 SSH

20 Mountain Climbers

20 Parker Peters

Mosey back from whence we came over to the pull up bar station.  On the way we stopped for a quick 10 Mericans and back on the track to the pull up station.  Broke up into 3 groups:

Count was 10 Push Pulls (1 pushup followed by 1 pull up) should have done 2 of each.

Other paxs did Lunges & some other exercise

We then moseyed over the the soccer field and separated back into 3 groups

Count was 10 Pull ups, while the Pax did some other exercises.  I didn’t plan it and can’t remember so lets just mosey on.

Next session was DORA

100 Carolina Dry Docks

200 Dips

300 LBCs

We then lunged our way to the end of the parking lot and jogged to the kick ball field for a circle of fire.  Increasing reps of Mericans around the circle till we each got to do 5 reps.  Tclaps to Pony Boy for keeping me honest on these.  We rotated on to our six and finished with a little Mary (Box Cutters & Russian Twist).


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