Spartacus Delayed
Spartacus Delayed

Spartacus Delayed

PAX:Jingle Vader, Apples, Milkman, Duct Tape, Bogey, Rudy, Walleye, Amnesty

Spartacus Delayed…but not to be Denied…   Some of the pax, YHC included, were delayed getting to the AO due to a train.  The motivated pax, who were at the AO, took the initiative and began the Warm-up COP.  Us stragglers caught up and YHC took over the Q.   T-Claps to Bogey for filling in.

-SSH x 30 IC
-IW x 30 IC
-Arm Circles x 30 IC (15 ea. dir.)
-J-Lo’s x 20 IC
Grab a rock, medium, one you won’t drop on your head…Let’s mosey to the shelter (cuz it has benches).
It’s time for some Spartacus. The timer on my phone had us working out for 1 minute with a 15 sec rest for each exercise:
-Goblet Squat w/ rock
-Feet-Elevated Mountain Climbers
-Kettlebell Swing w/ rock
-Step up, alternating legs with or without rocks
-Rock Row
-Elf on a Shelf-Side Lunge and Touch Rock (like moving the virtual rock pile back and forth)
-Rock Lunge and Rotation
-Rock Push Press
Rinse and Repeat for a total of two rounds.

A couple minutes of Mary:

-LBC x 20 IC

-Penguins x 20 IC

-Wife Pleasers x 20 IC  (as always, a strictly no eye contact event…that means you Rudy)

Mosey to the Virtual Flag for the COT.  Countoff, namerama, announcements, and a prayer.

It was an honor to lead.  SYITG…