Cinco Stompo – #113
Cinco Stompo – #113

Cinco Stompo – #113

PAX:Woz, Triple Shift, Jingle Vader, Milkman

Twelve hours prior to post time for The Stomp, the Q list had an empty slot so YHC grabbed it as to avoid the “who’s on first?” routine in the gloom.  As our PAX grew to five, we were off in a mosey to get our usual Tuesday running fix.  Here’s what we did:

Run the bayou route, 15 min out and 15 min back.

Once back at the track, run as many laps as possible until 6:08 on the dot then meet in the infield for a COP.  In lieu of 6 Minutes of Mary, we opted for Cinco de Cardio which included 5-1minute intervals of cardio packed exercises with an 8 second transition period in between.  This was a timed tabata-like routine going all out with the following exercises: up downs, semi-circle mountain climbers, red bull low country crabs, plank jacks, and burpees.  Judging by the lack of mumble chatter this proved to be a doozy.

Mosey back to VSF where time expired.  COT to seal the deal.

Great way to start a Tuesday.
