The Way of the Dragon
The Way of the Dragon

The Way of the Dragon

PAX:Ace Ventura, Beast, Bushwacker, Carpool, Grundy, The Manny, Steve (QIC), Tanked Up, Turbo Tax

It was supposed to be 40º and rainy but, as seems to often happen here on the Northshore, the Sky Q cleared the rain shortly before the pre (and pre-pre)-thang began.  YHC has noticed that with October’s dropping temperatures, PAX attendance at the mothership has also dwindled.  So it was reassuring to have 9 men show up in the unsure conditions of the morning ready to roll.  T-claps to Butt Splice, Carpool, Tanked Up and Turbo for getting in a little extra before the regularly schedule foreplay began.

Warm Up:

Good Mornings, IW’s, Seal Jacks, Windmills, Mummy Kicks, Butt Kicks, High Knees, SSH’s, all 20x, IC.

The Thang:

First off, a working mosey to the playground: PAX would begin at Girod with 15x Merkins, and add an exercise at each intersection until reaching the destination.  By the time we hit the east end of Lakeshore, we were at 15x Merkins, Squat Jumps, Shoulder Taps, Sit-Ups, and Plank Jacks.

On your six for some Bruce Lee: 4 sets of 20 reps of Putins, Leg Raises, LBC’s, Heel Touches, Crunchy Frogs, and 100’s.  T-claps to Bushwacker for the inspiration as well as the display of proper form!  Lee said, “A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at,” and we’ll continue to hold his 7 sets of 90 reps as something to aim for.  Maybe with the upcoming November ISI challenge we’ll inch slightly closer to that goal.

Next up, a playground partner routine: Partner 1 holds people chair against a column, while Partner 2 hits the 3 padded areas of the playground doing one of the following at each: 10x merkins, squats, burpees.  Oh, and of course, bunny hops across the splash pad area.

Indian Run back to the (imagined) flag for Mary: Fondas (10x Fonda, Quick Pulses, Heel-to-Knee, Knee-to-Knee, each legs), Hello Dolly’s, Rosalita’s.

Countdown, Nameorama, and Ace prayed us out.  Good to have you back BEAST!  And t-claps to Grundy for making it to the next round of his lengthy vetting process.  As always, thanks for the opportunity guys, great way to start the weekend.

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