Covington Trailhead- nice morning
Covington Trailhead- nice morning

Covington Trailhead- nice morning

PAX:Shooter, Maverick, Captain Sparkles, Einstein, Astro, Bushwhacker

Was a beautiful morning for a workout with 8 strong.


Warmup– merkins, side straddle hops, merkins, squats, merkins, and various other wonderful warmup exercises.


The Thang–jog to workout position 1– Point 1-Balboas run to point 2-merkins,plank jacks, and mountain climbers. 3 sets of various rotations.

Jog to position 2 flagpole  sets of arm and chest exercises,  we rotated left to right. Good upper body workout.

Jog over to position 3  The Maverick– 100 Merkins with partner with running in between. That got us.  Bushwacker team 115 of those bad boys.


Jog over to position 4–1 round 1 minute with Ali.. Had to be there to know what that involved.


Jog over to our starting point— Side Stradle Hops, Squats.


Close out with prayer led by Bushwacker!  On with our daily activities



