Rolling Fog at Okwata
Rolling Fog at Okwata

Rolling Fog at Okwata

PAX:Jingle Vader, Walleye, Abacus, Fracsac (QIC)

YHC received the bad news from Surge that he was ill, and would not be posting. This was surely a sign of that dreaded day, the day where YHC would be a Pax of one. SPOILER ALERT: He wasn’t! YHC woke up to an annoying rain, one that would obviously keep others away from posting to one of the greatest AO’s of the region, so no need to even head out the door. But wait, what is that? Ah, it’s the DRP, the same one that JV chose last week when he headed to the Uptowner. YHC arrived at the AO with 3 minutes to spare, and who was waiting? None other than JV, or so it seemed. We’ll get to that in a bit. YHC planted the Shovel Flag and it was on! Walleye pulls up just before the clock struck 0530, just in time to hear the Disclaimer. Lucky for us, the rain stopped, but the heavy fog rolled in. As we moseyed toward the mardi gras fountain, we could see an image in the gloom. Abacus! His first post to Okwata, and he was waiting at the mardi gras fountain, as he could not see the other Pax through the fog. That makes three men joining YHC to celebrate this day with a solid beat down. Three men of F3 joined YHC to celebrate his Trifecta Q! It was going to be a good day!

Mosey around the fountain, carioca left, then right. Circle up in front of the fountain.


SSH IC x 31
Imperial Squat Walkers IC x 15
Sun Gods IC x 20 (10 FWD, 10 BWD)

Double Shots with Jack Webb at the Barre (an Okwata favorite)

1 merkin followed by 2 air presses in the peoples chair against the barre
2 merkins…..4 air presses…..
3 merkins…..6 air presses….
so forth and so on….
10 merkins…..20 air presses in the peoples chair against the barre

Mosey to the intersection of Canal and Lakeshore Drive for:

Four Corners

Corner #1 – 10 Burpees OYO
Mosey south on Canal across the levee to the corner of Canal and Amethyst St
Amethyst is a variety of quartz, is a semiprecious stone, and is the birthstone for February. Now you know…..
Corner #2 – Catalina Wine Mixers IC x 10
A short mosey west to the other corner of Amethyst and Canal.
Corner #3 – To emphasize the merkin during the burpee, YHC decided to add the double merkin burpee. 5 Double merkin burpees OYO! That went so well that YHC added 5 more! For those of you that struggle with arithmetic, that would be 10 total double merkin burpees!
Mosey north to Canal and Lakeshore Drive
Corner #4 – 8 Count Body Builders IC x 10
Since we need to complete the box, return to start point.
Back at Corner #1 – merkins IC x 10 (4 count)

Mosey to Stonehenge, aka the circle of benches.

Grab a bench

LL step ups IC x 10
Jump Squats IC x 10
RL step ups IC x 10
Copperhead Squats IC x 10 (Low slow squat)
YHC needed one more leg exercise, and had a mental block. Calling out for ideas, Walleye suggested alternating lunge jumps. Yes, that would finish off this evolution nicely!
Alternating Lunge Jumps IC x 10

Mosey back to Canal St and to the top of the levee.

OYO evolution

5 double merkin burpees, bear crawl across the median, finish with 5 double merkin burpees.

Mosey back to the flag for:

Flutter Kicks IC x 15
Hello Dolly IC x 15
Tin Snips IC x 15
Russian Twist (Putin) IC x 15

0615, time called, DownPainment complete!


Count off, name-o-rama, announcements, end with a prayer to the Sky Q. We still kept Shorty’s M in our thoughts.

Read the emails to see what’s going on. Lots of good stuff. What does this weeks Stomp, Foundry, Okwata, and Uptowner AO’s all have in common? Join me tomorrow for the Superfecta!


Want to see a Q take a pie in the face? Not this guy, but join us for the Mothership when Mahatma makes his VQ and gets a pie in the face from his LSU/Notre Dame bet lost to Rudy!