Loosely borrowed – from Pass Interference
Loosely borrowed – from Pass Interference

Loosely borrowed – from Pass Interference

QIC:Pass Interference
PAX:Hogs Breath, Murdock, Pass Interference, Royal Ralph

I’ve made it a habit of piecing together a beatdown by scanning Beatdowns on our website, so why should this be any different? Knowing we had one pax in a long term injury recovery process, and another only joining for the 2nd time, I wanted to make it challenging but not beyond reason.

So, away we went!

The warmup:
– mountain man poopers (since Hogs was here)
– copperhead squats
– SSH I think, hard to remember due to lack of sleep

The thang:
– First we went near the playgorund, to do a modified “morning call” (which I brought from Badapple AO at #F3Alpha). Instead of everyone doing a set of pullups, I had everyone do dips, while the other pax did merkins, round robin til everyone got their dips in.
– Then we did a scout run (not sure what to call it), where I had one person run from the playground to the permanent flag in the back of the park, and back, while the other 3 did 5 burpees, 10 squats and 15 big boys. Each man ran and the others completed the exercises.
– Then it was time to mosy to the trail and do a dora, since there were 4. We split into teams and knocked out 100/200/300 of whatever came to mind at the time.

Mary followed and we made it out alive!

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