Going The Distance, Trying For Speed
Going The Distance, Trying For Speed

Going The Distance, Trying For Speed

PAX:Bongo, Hawgcycle, Fracsac, Tool

Four of F3’s finest made their way to The Stomp for the usual Tuesday running fix.  Pleasant 60-something degree temp and crisp air set the stage for a good moseying conditions so we all agreed we’d go for distance this am.  We were also hoping to inch our way out of last place in the RRR throwdown this month since we’d rather not get beat by those inferior guys from abroad.  The Q slot was empty so a round of eenie meenie miney mo decided who would officialy take the lead and it somehow landed on YHC.  The route was the typical course along the bayou, out and back in 45 min.  We came out the gate with a brisk pace, soon to be throttled down after realizing we still had a ways to go.  T-claps to Hawg for pushing through with a solid run on the heels of a 7+ hour, 31 mile race on Saturday that would have the average Joe still laid up recovering.  Some good F2 was had along the run that included solving a few of the world’s problems.  The PAX covered 4.5+/- miles and conveniently made it back with no time for burpees.

Great way to start the day.
