Bring Sally Up – again
Bring Sally Up – again

Bring Sally Up – again

QIC:Reluctant Yankee
PAX:RY(QIC), Tinkles, El Wire, Angie's List, G-Spot, Medulla Oblangata, Peppa, Koopa, 86, Douille, Gabrielle, Roots, Jingle Vader, Chowda, Beiber, Brown Bag, Tito

Humidity is a reality right now.  The constant feeling of sticky sweat – and living in a dog’s mouth.

We ran a loop by the golf course.  Then circled up at the bandstand in Audubon.

SSH x 20, Imp Walker Squats x 20, Mtn Climbers x 20, Dead bugs x 20

Then we made a plan… 25 rows at the row bars, 25 Russian Twists at the bandstand, 25 dips on the benches and 5-10 pullups at the pull up bars – plank until you get an open spot.   Run one loop to complete and then plank and wait at the bandstand.  I was trying to avoid any push ups after Gabrielle’s push up destruction on Monday.

Then we circled up for SALLY UP.   Squats to Flower by Moby.

Then we did Superman to Bow x 1 min    YTWs for back work x 20

Then we did another loop.  Same deal except we did 25 plank jacks at the bandstand and BLIMPS to wait.

Then we circled for a FINAL Mary.

LBC, Peter Parkers, Plank Jacks, Dying Roach, Parker Peters, Flutter, Rosalita, Shoulder Taps, and Bird dogs x 20

Tried to stay on the core today to give the arms/shoulders some recovery time!

A pleasure to LEAD.  Thanks for the opportunity.