Pushing through
Pushing through

Pushing through

QIC:Jingle Vader, Mahatma Ice
PAX:Abacus, Hand Grenada, Jingle Vader, King Kong, Mahatma Ice, Medula Oblongata, Paw Patrol, Rev Sox, Triple Shift

YHC hadn’t been to the Uptowner for almost three months–not since he banged up his right arm at the end of the Tough Mudder on St. Patty’s Day.  Walleye said it’d take two months or so to start to feel right again–he was right about the “or so” part.  But YHC decided he’d ease back in in the gloom this morning.  So au revoir to Wolfpack Mountain, and into Metry.  As PAX began to gather, YHC learned that HVAC was the Q: perfect: a tough-ass yoga session, but hopefully light on the triceps.  With great (but wholly incorrect) insight, YHC commented that HVAC always runs a lap or two before posting, so he should be here any second.  Tick, tick, tick, tick: no HVAC.  [Summertime can be busy for A/C guys: customers maybe will tolerate a broken heater for a few hours in January, but more than about 10 minutes without A/C in the summer garners no such similar tolerance. T-claps to HVAC and Duct Tape for keeping summers tolerable.]  So when Mahatma recommended a split Q, YHC figured his arm had had enough rest: time to step up for the first part.

Warm Up:

  • SSHs 25xIC
  • Low, Very Slow Squats (4-count down, 4-count hold, 4-count to up) 24xIC
  • Abe Vagodas 25xIC
  • Merkins 25xIC

The PAX then grabbed rocks for a favorite Friday routine for YHC:

  • 20 overhead presses
  • 20 squats
  • 20 curls
  • 20 bench presses

Then rinse and repeat with a 15-count, then again with a 10-count and finally with a f-count.  But before turning the Q over to Mahatma, time for some sitting around.  On the fence:

  • Sit for 30 seconds
  • Curls 20xIC
  • sit for 30 seconds
  • Overhead Presses 20xIC

Mahatma then took over for some cardio delight.  The PAX divided their rocks into two rows about 10 yards or so apart and then paired up.  Each pair faced each other then side shuffled across to the other row, did a jump squat, side-shuffled back and then concluded with another jump squat–repeat 6 times for a total of 12 jump squats.  After a 30-count countdown, the PAX rinsed and repeated.

Lining up along one of the rows again, each PAX carried his rock overhead to the other row to do 5 burpees and then returned the first row carrying his rock straight out front a la Frankenstein’s monster for 5 more burpees, and rinsed and repeated–for a total of 20 burpees.

Then after returning their rocks, the PAX circled up for a final COP:

  • Plank for a minute
  • Crunches from legs extended overhead to legs extended straight (but off the ground) x12 IC
  • alligator pushups (lift hands on the up-extension) x20 IC
  • Dying cockroach (x10IC), straight into flutter kicks (x10IC); rinse and repeat with x10IC, and then a second time with x5IC for a total of 25xIC cockroaches and 25xIC flutter kicks

Thanks for letting YHC share the Q.  Jingle Vader