Where’s Our Hawaiian Shirts?
Where’s Our Hawaiian Shirts?

Where’s Our Hawaiian Shirts?

PAX:El Guapo, Nip/Tuck, Hawgcycle

Nip and El Guapo showed up early to Dome Patrol anticipating their new Hawaiian shirts flown straight from Camden Yards.  We don’t know how many Swampcock was able to secure from his Baltimore Birthday Bash last weekend, but we are hoping it is enough for our LARC debut at the Blue Ridge Relay.  YHC showed up late as usual.  I found Nip and El Guapo in boring old running clothes descending the Champion Square Garage.  No Swampcock or Oriole clad Hawaiian shirts in sight.  Oh well.

We ran what has become the standard DP route:  4.5 miles, 6 Garages.  We held a Triangle of Trust and called it a morning.
