Backblast for 7-8-18. The Knoll
Backblast for 7-8-18. The Knoll

Backblast for 7-8-18. The Knoll

QIC:Money Cat, Work Horse and Mega Dad
PAX:Shangeaux, Dagwood, Trooper, Topanga, Workhorse, Big Easy, Mega Dad, Moneycat

The Scene:

The Knoll



Surprisingly refreshing for a July Saturday morning at 7am.



8 men posted.



Money Cat: “I am not a professional trainer….huh? Why’s that funny to y’all??? Seriously guys…why is that funny?? Stop laughing or I’ll bring back Fastball and make all of y’all feel the pain!!!”


Money Cat led the first third of the workout. I told the guys we would start off on a mosey but would call out a change and to mimic my movement regardless if I was at the front or the back because I’m usually in the back on these running kinds of things. At the sundial I called out a fast walk. At the next change I called out a mosey and after that was a fast walk. I decided to try something different. I called out a left side straddle mosey. During the side straddle mosey I called out to switch sides and lead with the other leg…(that means we now switched to leading with the right leg.) By now we had mosey’d the course almost two times and felt for the last 50 yards (I’m guessing) to the sundial we needed to do a full sprint. I could tell the guys were itching for me open it up a bit. I had the lead the entire way until I yelled out “FULL SPRINT!” And suddenly Mega Dad passed me up. What he doesn’t know is I allowed him to pass me on my left side. I didn’t want all the attention by getting there first so I turned down the after burners and slowed up a whole lot….it’s my story and I’m sticking with that. Remember….don’t question the Q.


Money Cat called out a recovery countdown….it sure seemed to go by fast.

We began our morning exercises.

20 Arm Circles Forward

20 Arm Circles Backwards

20 Raised Arm Claps

20 Dips

20 Mexican Dips

20 Walking Al Gore’s

10 Burpees


I was glad to turn over the next 3rd of the Q to my F3 brother Work Horse.

Workhorse jumping in!  Well, missing Fastball’s beatdowns I decided to combine his “quarterpounder” and the “Murph”.  We based in the Sundial as it’s called, so it went like this!

I had four F3 brothers pick an exercise, Topanga (Al Gores), Dagwood (Little Baby Crunches), Big Easy (Merkins), and Shangeaux (Side Straddle Hop). The strategy was to do a 25 count on exercise #1 and then run a lap around the running track and at the last turn heading back to sundial, turn and run backwards to complete at sundial. Plank until the last man was in!

#1 – 25 Merkins and Lap

#2  – 50 Little Baby Crunches and Lap

#3 – 75 Al Gores ( which Shangeaux hijacked from Topanga )

#4 – 100 Side Straddle Hops (which actually “unfortunately” with Topanga’s count ended up being 200) then a Lap, but changed the turn at last corner to a sprint to the sundial.  Shout out to youngster Trooper, he was in the mix leading the charge back to complete.

At this point, we began a mosey back to the flag to do some Mary’s to close it out.  Megadad took over from there.

  • Lay Flat sit ups
  • Buddy Back Squats (wall squats on partners back)
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Jane Fonda’s ( 3 ways right and left) for Rocket
  • Partner Leg Toss ( 10 straight, 2 left and 2 right)

Circle of Trust

  • Name off and prayers ( special intention for F3 brother “Trooper” recently lost his daughter )