The Beach Boys Beatdown
The Beach Boys Beatdown

The Beach Boys Beatdown

QIC:Medulla Oblongata
PAX:Medulla Oblongata, (QIC) FNG-Wakanda, FNG-Phelps, FNG-Blue Beret

A PAX gathered at the entrance to the condo in Destin FL.  This would be the AO for this week, forever now known as the “The Beach Bum”.  The PAX consisted of YHC and my 3 – 2.0’s; Rex(13) Wesley(12) & George(10).   The disclaimer was given and a brief introduction to F3 was given.  Off we went with a quick mosey over to a full court basketball court on the condo property.  One lap around the basketball court, Circle up for the warm-up.

SSH  x20 IC

Mountain Climbers x20 IC

Imperial Walkers x 20 IC

Peter Parkers x20 IC

Parker Peters x20 IC

One Lap around  basketball court again


BLIMPS with lap around the adjacent Tennis Courts in between each set.

Burpees x5, LAP, Lunges x10, LAP, Imp Walkers x15, LAP, Merkins x20, LAP, Plank Jacks x25, LAP, Squats x30 LAP

Somewhere around Plank Jacks the Mumblechatter about being tired and thirsty began to bubble up.  By the last lap they were all drag-assing and walking.

Gave them a 20 count recovery, then mosey over to some nearby benches.


Dips x15 IC, R Leg step ups x10 IC, Dips x10 IC, L Leg Step ups x10 IC, Dips x10 IC

Now they were really complaining and Rex had almost given up.

Mosey over to a grassy area for some Mary

Circled up


LBC’s x10, Dying Roach x10, Rower Sit-up x10, Freddy Mercury’s x 10, Flutter kicks x10

We found a water fountain so they would stop complaining and everyone drank water.

Mosey back to the “flag” in front of the condo.

Circle of Trust, Count off, Name-o-rama, I named my 3 FNG’s after I let them each tell me about themselves.  I made sure I yelled HATE for each of them.

FNG’s Rex – Blue Beret,  Wesley – Phelps, and George – Wakanda

We circled up and thanked God for everything we have and the opportunity we have to be on this great vacation,  I prayed that they could get along better for at least the rest of this trip. HA!!

Great time showing my boys what F3 was all about, they all said they want to do it again tomorrow.  Maybe I can get them out to the Mothership next Sat.


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