Monday With Macdeuce
Monday With Macdeuce

Monday With Macdeuce

PAX:Shark Bait(Carmel, CA), RY, Col. Mustard, Wipeout, Douille, Willie, El Wire. Saban, Sandbar, Landing Strip, 86, Seaman, Cavalier, Jadeveon, Bartman, Chiquita, Mariah, Roots(QIC)

Pre Thang:  Third day of Fall and just another  muggy Monday morning in NOLA and the pax gathered slowly…  Yankee showed up with Shark Bait from Carmel and the regulars rolled in one at a time. We also had an appearance by FNG Carlton, who had posted twice already but left early both times and still hadn’t been named. At 05:30 a couple more stragglers came in hot and we were off into the gloom with a solid 19.

The Thang:  Mosey around by the golf club house and over to the base of the bandstand for warmup COP: SSH, Mtn. Climber, Imperial Walker, Plank Jack x 25 IC.

Dirty Macdeuce:  Run the loop(oak alley to the track, right to the parking lot and back around to bandstand. Approx. 1/4 Mile), Then perform the prescribed exercise x 15 IC.

Round 1: Merkin, Squat, American Hammer

Round 2: Left Staggered Merkin, Monkey Humper, Real Freddie

Round 3: Right Staggered Merkin, Lunge, Flutter Kick(We lost Carlton again at this point.)

Round 4: Wide Merkin, Low Slow Squat, LBC

One more lap and mosey into the shelter for some bench work: LLSUx 15, Derkins x 15, RLSU x 15, Dips x 15

Mosey over to the grass for some stretching and head to the flag.

COT w/ shoutout by YHC.

Good Times!


T Claps to Carlton for giving it another shot. If he makes it through a full workout, I move we name him Rhoda or Mary Tyler Moore. Those who grew up in the 70’s will get it…