Steve’s cameo
Steve’s cameo

Steve’s cameo

PAX:Shooter and Steve

3 pax posted Tuesday morning at the mandeville TH  including Steve, who was on his one week hiatus from Hollywood. Although claiming to have been mostly sedentary since early summer, he has not seemed to skip a beat.

Even if it was just for a week, the pax were glad to have him back, as he and shooter have become 2 pillars of the north shore pax. These two are always consistent, always upbeat and positive, and ready to receive or deliver a beat down! YHC is definitely greatful for these two.

The thang:

warm up:

fwd lunge with elbow to ground x 10

bkwd lunge with twist x 10

lateral lunge x 10

plank walked x to 10

sumo squat to stand x 10

mosey to lakefront, past former captains cove, back up toward TH.

Hip crossovers x 10

scorpion kicks x 10

maybe a few other things that yhc has since forgotten…

COT, Name o Rama, prayer.

See you again soon Steve!

