On the Third Day of Christmas . . .
On the Third Day of Christmas . . .

On the Third Day of Christmas . . .

PAX:Kooch, Triple Shift, Bongo

My true love gave to me three French hens. Got it? THREE French hens! THREE!

The Pax moseyed west along the seawall with a stiff SE wind at its back to the U-turn at Canal and Lakeshore. There the Pax warmed up with THREE exercises, 25 reps, rinse and repeat THREE time: SSH, Imperial Walkers, and Mountain Climbers.

The Pax moseyed west again along the seawall to the three benches just west of Canal for the thang – a THREE-stop ladder with burpees and then squats. (We couldn’t do THREE exercises because we ran out of time.) The Pax ran to the farthest of the three benches and did twelve reps. Next, the Pax ran back to the second bench and did eleven reps. Next, the Pax ran back to the first bench and did ten reps. The Pax then ran out to the
farthest of the three benches and did nine reps. Next, the Pax ran back to the second bench and did eight reps. The pattern continued finishing with one rep at the first bench. In between exercises, YHC did a Twelve Days of Christmas count-off.

The Pax then moseyed east along the seawall for Mary with THREE exercise, 25 reps, and thirty second plank in between each
exercise: Partridge twist, Turtle Dove crunches, and the Dying French Hen.

Announcements, intentions, prayer, and then count-off and Nameorama, which YHC almost forgot.

The Pax didn’t know what type of weather it would face . It could have been a flood causing rainstorm, but there was only wind (and plenty of it). Sky Q was looking after us this morning.